Doctors for Peace is a non-profit organization founded in 2001 whose mission is to protect the right to health in Italy and worldwide.
Originally founded by a group of doctors and nurses, over the years volunteers from various professions have also joined it, along with young people and students.
Since 2002 Doctors for Peace has participated in international cooperative projects in Asia (India, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh, Jordan), in South America (Ecuador), in Africa (Rwanda, Kenya) and in Eastern Europe (Romania), working with local institutions and in partnership with civic organisations.
In Italy, in 2006 it was selected by the City of Verona to provide hygiene and health services in the difficult conditions of a local Roma community. Since then, Doctors for Peace has offered services, assistance and health education to local people in conditions of extreme poverty and social marginalization.
As well as health services, it organizes awareness-raising and educational activities to foster solidarity and the rejection of discrimination, through lectures, photographic exhibitions, and meetings in schools, universities and jails.
Doctors for Peace works in order to:
Doctors for Peace is composed of the following governing bodies: Assembly of Members, Management Board and the President. An operational team takes care of planning, communication and fundraising.
Doctors for Peace has been recognized as a non-profit organization and volunteering organization since 2002.
Since 2007 it has had legal status and has been registered as a legal subject at the Prefecture of Verona.
In 2019 it joined AOI (Associazione delle Organizzazioni Italiane di cooperazione e solidarietà internazionale), an Italian network of organizations, and it is part of the network Nella mia città nessuno è straniero (In my city nobody is a foreigner) of Verona.